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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Women Hair Loss- A State of Shock for Most

Hair is a symbol of beauty. It is a sign of age. The more the volume of your jet black hairs the more young and vibrant you are considered. Hair is an important aspect of life of all men and women. Yet women hair loss can be a dangerous issue for her and her loved ones. Contradicting the popular belief that women hair loss is seen only after they cross 50, hair loss in women can be found in all age groups. Females too undergo baldness as men. They too shed the extra strands more often which ultimately results into the hair loss. The pattern of women hair loss is separate from that of men. There is more thinning of hair than completely empty scale as men.
The factors are many for this hair loss.  Androgenetic alopecia, a hormone responsible for baldness is found both in men and women. But in case of women the quantity is less. So the baldness that follows is basically thinning of hairs from the top and side of the head. Apart from it sebum- natural oil that is excreted by our scalp gets clogged into the pores from where hair follicles come out resulting in blockage of the pore and smooth scalp. Also if you are not having your diet properly or leading a stressful life then the blood flow in the hair follicles decrease and so the strand of hair becomes weak and falls off. Age is one prime factor. Also pollution and harsh climatic condition can damage your hair seriously. Colouring and conditioning and excessive shampooing is a trend in young girls. And due to fashion they forget that they are fast running into the situation where they have to wear a wig.
Hair is a precious gift of god. Try to save it as far as possible. Yet if you have already lost much hair then go in for varied treatments that go according to your requirements. To begin with healthy diet and healthy living is most important need for both you and your hairs. Also avoid as much chemicals as possible to stop damaging hair surface. Leave wrong styling habits of your hairs as tight pony tails and using hair dryer frequently. Hair Gel is yet another important chemical which should be stopped using on immediate basis. These are all preventive measures and if you are looking for cure it’s sad to know that hair weaving is near about the only option for women as drugs don’t go well with women specially if they are pregnant. Searching the net will let you know of the numerous sites about hair falling and their treatment.
Hair is the sign of beauty that god has given to us. In women hair loss can occur in any age. Save your hair by changing your lifestyle. Yet if you want to go in for treatment you can consult your doctor for the treatment.     

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