Mazhar kamran, the renowned cinematographer who is infamous for his radical ideas as SATYA has teamed up with Vertika Films, in his directorial debut, to present you ‘MOHANDAS- A man lost in his own nation’. It is a Kafkaesque tale of the plight of Indian people struck in between the corruption and trafficking plagued in the entire nation. MOHANDAS the movie is a warning that the essence of humanism is not crushed out by the macabre forces of technological progress- as described by eminent Hindi poet of India, Kunwar Narain. It is a classic cinema with a bold political theme all molded flawlessly in the traditional Indian style cinematography with dance, drama and songs.
MOHANDAS the movie
Beyond the glitz and shines of the metros: exists a world where you can be sure of nothing! Nakul Vaid as Mohandas beautifully portrays the real life plight of a man who is robbed away of his own identity and is thrown away. He fights back against the gruesome world for proving his actual identity in front of the entire nation. Whereas Kasturi- Sharbani Mukherji is seen standing strong behind her husband Mohandas as a pillar of support during the time of crisis. Sonali Kulkarni as Meghna Sengupta is the key to solving the mystery of identity crisis of Mohandas. Being a strong headed woman who believes in following her own instincts in pursuit of her objectives, she doggly runs behind the trail of answers to solve this nerve wrecking puzzle of life of common man in between total corruption and crime. Along with her in this mission of justice is Harshvardhan Soni- Aditya Srivastava who is the fiery committed lawyer and a fighter till the end whose heart burns for desire of justice and forces him to pursuit the truth at all cost.
Mohandas the movie- parts and parcels of the contemporary cinema
Portrayed in the backgrounds of the typical rural base of India, Mohandas the movie drags you to the actual location so that you feel yourself face to face with the common man who struggles from morning to night against simply everything to live a decent life on the basis of truth and genuineness. With a creative and ideal team comprising some of the veterans of Indian cinema who have dedicated their entire lives and carriers towards portraying the creative themes- so real, that they always make a mark in the heart of the Indian audience “Mohandas” has already made marked acclamations in the various film festivals worldwide. The movie as a whole has a very strong theme, all soaked in the lives of common man of India living in between the patches of crime, politics, hatred, cheat, rising prices and personal problems above all. It is releasing in India in 17th of April. Go watch the movie to join hands and souls against this never ending fight of all against all evils.
Mohandas- a man lost in his own nation is a movie representing the story of a common man whose identity is robbed by wrong men. It is a story of his sufferings and how did he stand against all odds to fight back his identity successfully.
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