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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Women Hair Loss-A Nightmare For The Society

“Female” a word denoting beauty in itself. And where it comes to beauty, things as eyes, hairs and skin are imagined to be representing the beauty. Well no doubt it is true and when of it even a single one gets damaged it becomes a night mare not only for the female candidate but also for the male counterpart associated with her. So u can see how loss women hair loss can become a nightmare for the society.
It is seen that suburban girls have more beautiful shining black hairs than urban girls. The reasons are many. A survey done by the American Academy Of Dermatology shows that at least 30 million women are facing hair loss issues in the United States. This women hair loss problems are commonly found in a lot of young and middle aged women despite of the general belief that hair loss is restricted only to older women.
Hair is a threadlike, keratinized outgrowth piercing the epidermis. It is made up of hair shaft and the root, which is found deep within the dermis in a structure called the hair follicle. In females balding begins at the top of the head and spreads out.
 The reasons for hair loss can be both internal and external. Internally the major culprits are-
  • Excessive oil ! the oil –sebum (produced naturally within the body) maximum times get clogged in the scalp hence by stopping the hair follicles from growing. Eventually the oil will prevent the root from surfacing. Resulting in baldness.
  • Genetically hormones called androgens which are found in men in larger amount in compare to women interfere with normal hair growth cycle causing hair follicle to shrink and eventually die.
  • Another important reason is decreased blood flow in hair follicles.
  • Also aging is the most common reason known for hair loss.
Externally too there are no. of factors known for women hair loss-
  • Stressful life can eat away all your happiness as well as your hairs !
  • Pollution is another major factor for women hair loss.
  • Chemicals as shampoos, conditioners, colors, dyes damage hair follicles permanently.
  • Malnutrition is another common factor found in women as they are more figure conscious and hence by tend to starve. It may also be an early warning for serious health disorders as cancer.
Treatment includes healthy diet, hair transplantations and weaving. Medicines don’t go well with women as medicines have harmful side effects on pregnant women.

Summary- women  hair loss is seen in all age groups nowadays and has many reasons as chemical, malnutrition and genetic problems, stress and pollution to name a few. And treatment includes healthy diet and medicines and hair transplantation.

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