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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Portrait- A exquisite memory of adorable past

Portrait can better be described as a sketch- rough or fair or description of a person or an event where the face and its expressions dominate the theme of the painting. The memoir of the portrait dates back to ancient Egyptian culture where ironically such a captivating piece of art was dedicated to the funerals rather than live persons! But it was Roman culture where portrait took positive turn and ended up in painting live human beings especially royal men. And this tradition remained unchanged for many years to come. Today the technology has advanced leaps and bounds along with the subjects of the portraits yet the basic principle remains the same.
How is a portrait done?
The dedicated artist or painter makes the subject sits in front of him in the pose he or she wants the painting to be done and then continue with the painting. Well, this procedure is still followed at times, yet due to the long working hours of the artist as well as the subject’s agonizing position which is to be maintained with minimal movements things got changed for better! Yes, now artists prefer portraying from a still photography rather than live object. They use all latest high quality oil paints and canvases to recreate the picture as near to the reality as possible.
How can you get one for yourself?
Many modern day artists are now adding a pinch of technology to the elite art to extract more positive returns in a symbiotic manner. These veteran artists are advertising their talents in the World Wide Web so that more people come to know about their highly praisable talent and in return even those who always wanted to have a piece of pie but never knew where to get from, can now fulfill their long cherished wishes. Searching the web will make you confront numerous such sites run exclusively by the artists who follow modern techniques to create an amazing piece of art. From kids to elders to even pets- expect all these to turn immobile and preserved forever in cotton canvases with even the minutest details. Only you need to submit the picture of the subject you want the portrait to be done of. Search the net for further information.
Portrait is an oil painting done on canvas. It’s a part of elegant hobbies. If you wish one for yourself you can always bank upon the veteran services of the painters who work day and night to make your dream come true.

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