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Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Everybody loves shopping and how nice would it be to shop free of cost or on other’s money! Well dreams are big and so are the resources. Today’s techno man loves to spend even money through technology. So he or she gets more prone to using plastic money i.e. credit cards rather than cash. But as all of us know all technologies have their own drawbacks as well. When cash isn’t directly flowing through our pockets we forget how much we are spending actually. And slowly yet strongly we get into the trap of debtness, a vicious circle which is hard to break. The more we pay off the more is still to pay due to the high rate of interest and late payment fine. The end result is bankruptcy.
Does a large chunk of your monthly income drains towards credit cards bills? Are you falling behind the schedule of credit card repayments? Is your monthly minimum due growing uncontrollably month to month due to late interest charges? Then it’s high time now to settle your credit card debt through credit card debt negotiation. What is this credit card debt negotiation? This negotiation as the name suggests is a way of settling the final amount to be paid to the bank to erase off debt. It’s a win win situation for both parties. Bank knows it well that you can’t clear off the bill. So it thinks that it’s better to get a lump sum amount from you rather getting nothing.
By this method you can reduce anything ranging from 30% to 80% of your final debt amount. The bank and you decide a common amount to be paid by you as lump sum. In return the bank frees you from debt once and for all. After you have paid the amount decided the bank can no more harass you with further bill payments. For this credit card debt negotiations you can directly go to the bank or else hire a third party. But in this case you have to pay the third party too and the percentage reductase won’t be very suitable for you. Also the credit card debt negotiation is better than declaring bankruptcy as it is a much messy course of action than negotiating. And it can act as a major drawback in your history of credit card.
Don’t go for pending bill payments as it can end up to be a bone in your neck. Using cash is much better than using plastic money as prevention is better than cure. But still if you hang up in debtness then go in for credit card debt negotiation with the bank and save yourself from bankruptcy.    

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